Ag Technology

Calibration is Key to Harvest Data Utilization

Don't overlook a crucial step before harvest: the calibration of the combine. Calibration ensures accurate yield detection systems, and although it may seem time-consuming, it's essential for high-quality data that can inform decisions for the next growing season.

By |September 14, 2023|

An Overview of SCN HG Types

Soy Envoy Leo Rocha explains the concept of HG type testing, which measures the ability of SCN populations to reproduce on specific indicator soybean lines. To determine SCN resistance levels on your farm, read more about Rocha's recommendations.

By |July 31, 2023|

Pop-Up Field Day: Cover Crop Seeding Comparison

 If you are in Champaign or nearby, attend a pop-up field day on Wednesday, May 17th featuring a side-by-side comparison of small, autonomous robots that seeded cover crops in a field of standing corn in late summer versus a conventionally planted cover crop seeded in a harvested cornfield in late fall.

By |May 15, 2023|

Why Seed Treatment on Soybeans?

Planters are hitting the ground around Illinois. ISA Outreach Agronomist, Stephanie Porter, shares her perspective on soybean seed treatment and how it affects disease, insect pressure, planting population, and more.

By |April 10, 2023|
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