Substituting MAP and DAP with TSP Maintains Soybean Yield While Avoiding N Loss
Dr. Andrew Margenot, Associate Professor in Crop Sciences at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, reviews data collected in an Illinois Soybean Association check-off funded research project. He highlights the current situation and challenges in soybean production in Illinois regarding phosphorus (P) management.
Request for Red Crown Rot Samples
USDA and University of Illinois researchers are working together to understand a new disease affecting soybean in Illinois, red crown rot. They are documenting its spread and characterizing its diversity, and need samples from many different locations across the state.
Illinois Soybean Association Expands Agronomy Team
Illinois Soybean Association welcomes the newest member of the agronomy team. Stacy Zuber will be joining as Research Data Scientist.
Variety Trials Equip Illinois Farmers With Data For Seed Purchase Decisions
The ISA Checkoff Program funds the University of Illinois Crop Science Variety Trials in protein and oil testing. Farmers can use the data to decide to grow varieties with elevated quality characteristics and capitalize on premium pricing opportunities.
From Minnesota Farm Boy to Plant Breeder Supporting Specialty Soybean Varieties and African Food Stability
After retiring in December 2022, Dr. Brian Diers is excited to focus more time working with plant breeders in Africa to help them develop soybean varieties adapted to the diverse environments there.
Soybean Stem Pest: Survey, Impact, and Education
Southern Illinois University PhD student, Danillo Leite, discusses soybean stem diseases and includes information about symptoms and signs to watch for, management practices, benefits of healthy stems, and more.
Soybean Cyst Nematode (SCN): Current Management and Looking Ahead
Dr. Mandy Bish discusses soybean cyst nematode and findings from seed treatment experiments, on-farm strip trial studies, on-farm sampling efforts, and some cereal rye cover crop data. She also discusses advances in SCN-resistance breeding efforts.
Using Multispectral Platforms to Manage Soybean Cyst Nematode
Continuing research from the past two years, Dr. Jason Bond and team aim to extend greenhouse trials to better understand the relationship between SCN infestation and soybean phenology, and expand image analyses with both supervised and unsupervised classification methods.
Illinois Soybean Assoc. Seeks Request for Proposals
The annual Illinois Soybean Association (ISA) Request for Proposals is open and accepting submissions to conduct work with checkoff funded dollars for fiscal year 2024.
Science for Success Panel
Learn more about their funded projects as well as how to get your hands on up-to-date information to optimize your soybean yield and protect quality.