Agronomy: Narrow-Row Beans
Narrow-row beans once were going to revolutionize soybean production, but have we backslid? Personally, I think the evidence is clear that maybe 6 to 7 [...]
Agronomy: What To Do When Switching Back to Soybeans
What you need to know when switching back to beans. Commodity prices favor growing more soybeans, and this could mean more producers in Illinois will [...]
Agronomy: How Soybeans Respond to Late Planting
Spring planting is still a couple months away, but inevitably, some farmers in Illinois will have to deal with a wet spring, which delays planting [...]
Diagnostics: Understanding the Genetic Basis for Drought-Tolerant Soybeans
Recent research has found ways to produce soybean seeds that have improved yields under drought conditions. A group of researchers published their research in the November-December [...]
Agronomy: The Soybean Seed Depth Discussion
Soybeans can be planted deeper than you think and do better than you hope. Soybean planting will start soon, but will growers suffer from [...]
Agronomy: Your Beans Expect More
If you expect more from your soybeans… maybe they are expecting more from you? If you can’t answer “yes” to all these questions, fertility [...]
Agronomy: Selecting Soybean Varieties for Greater Economic Value
There has been a lot of discussion lately about soybean composition or protein and oil concentration. Farmers may wonder why they should care about [...]
Agronomy: Illinois Once Again Top Soybean-Producing State
The 2014 growing season brought above-average, and even record-breaking, yields to Illinois. According to USDA estimates released this month, Illinois has claimed the title [...]
Agronomy: Top 5 Planting Factors for Increasing Soybean Yield
What are your top five factors at planting that can impact your 2015 soybean yields? Everyone can come up with their own list, but [...]
Agronomy: Top 3 Questions We Were Asked at the Northern Illinois Farm Show
ISA attends farm shows to better connect with farmers across the state. For us, farm shows are a great opportunity to converse and reconnect, [...]