Agronomy: Are Soybean Blends Making a Comeback?
Planting seed blends isn’t a new concept. In the past, companies sold blends to combine seeds of different characteristics in a field to produce [...]
Agronomy: Meet Your Soy Envoy: The Agronomic Dream Team
We’ve assembled a team of Certified Crop Advisers who are passionate about soybeans from across the state to provide reports from the field, insight [...]
Agronomy: Soybean Yield Drivers
Management, more than inputs, is still the key to higher soybean yields, according to the latest USB-funded university research. “You can’t buy higher yields; you still [...]
Agronomy: Tips to Prepare for 2015 (Pt. 2): Key Takeaways from the Peoria Soy Summit
As temperatures rise and winter comes to a close, growers are beginning to make decisions for the next growing season. From variety selection to [...]
Agronomy: Know Your Limits and Start with the Basics
In 2014, Illinois farmers raised 547.7-million bushels of soybeans on 9.8-million harvested acres. The average yield was 56 bushels per acre. These yield gains were made [...]
Agronomy: Tips to Prepare for 2015: Key Takeaways from the Peoria Soy Summit
Illinois continues to make progress in soybean production, taking the title in 2014 of top soybean producer for the second year in a row. [...]
Agronomy: Does Variable Rate Seeding Pay in Soybeans?
The technology for variable rate seed has been around for about 15 years. Planters have hydraulic drives and row shut-offs and are coupled with [...]
Agronomy: Does Variable Variety Placement Pay
Variable rate planting technology has been around a long time now. We have the technology to create planting zones and deliver seed based on [...]
Agronomy: Variety selection: What’s Best for Your Fields?
One of the single most important decisions you can make as a soybean grower is selecting the best variety for your field. Historically, growers [...]
Agronomy: Climate Impacting Soybean Yields
A recent report in the scientific journal Nature said changes in climate are costing U.S. producers $11 billion in lost yield. The report, titled “Climate-induced [...]