Agronomy: Lessons from the 2015 Crop
The biggest question I get asked now that all the soybeans have been harvested is, what lessons did we learn and what can growers do [...]
Agronomy: New Soybean Management Discoveries
Wow, what a year the 2015 season has been! From the start, farmers were challenged by weather events that staggered early season growth. We were [...]
Agronomy: The Road Back to Conventional
Saving a potential $60 per acre requires impeccable management In the vast sea of southeast Arkansas soybean fields, Jason Smith’s Desha County acreage is an [...]
Agronomy: Profitability Matters: Cutting $100 per Acre in Soybeans
2015 delivered a tough growing season for many Illinois farmers, and lower soybean prices to follow. For incomes to increase in 2016, either commodity [...]
Agronomy: Harvest Report from Southern Illinois
In southern Illinois, most soybeans were planted by the time the wet weather arrived this year. 2015 still held some major challenges for soybean [...]
Agronomy: Post Season Soybean Evaluation
When it comes to producing high-yield soybeans, knowing the details count. By now most fields of full-season soybeans have been harvested. It probably felt [...]
Agronomy: Soybeans Faced Challenges in 2015
Soybean harvest is done for 2015! It was a challenging year for soybeans: too wet early, dry later in the summer, little or no [...]
Agronomy: Late October Wheat Planting
Will planting wheat late affect the yield of wheat and profitability of the wheat double-crop enterprise? Not necessarily. With the later-than-normal planting this spring, [...]
Agronomy: Q&A: Soybean Seeding Rate & Decrease in Lower Pods
Q: In soybeans, what would cause plants to pod extremely high off the ground, for example, not producing any pods on the bottom five [...]
Agronomy: Soybean Selection 101
As a grower some of the most important decisions you make are the varieties you choose. Your quest for yield and profitability really begins [...]