Agronomy: High Yield Soybeans — A Cure for Low Market Prices?
While higher yield overall is one of the “causes” of low soybean market prices, for the individual farmers, increasing yields is an important “cure” [...]
Agronomy: Soybean Inoculants: How to get the most bang for your buck
Today’s soybean inoculants are not the same as years past. The advancement and introduction of new products, low relative prices and changes to soybean [...]
Agronomy: Soybeans: A Season Long Commitment
Most farmers I know work like dogs from the first dry day in March through the time corn is “laid by,” usually around the [...]
Agronomy: Wondering about Profitability? Let’s Run the Numbers
We all know that this year is going to be a year of managing risk and production costs. We always face a risk when farming, [...]
Agronomy: Are Pop-Ups or Starters Really Needed for Soybean?
Pop-Ups or In-Furrow fertilizers are typically used on corn to supply a small quantity of N (Nitrogen) and P (Phosphorus) or micronutrients. This N and [...]
Agronomy: Seedbed Stories – When to Plant
In recent years our idea of “optimal” soybean planting dates in Illinois has shifted earlier. Researchers and farmers pushing the envelope looking for higher soybean [...]
Agronomy: Entering the 2016 Yield Challenge
It is time to be thinking about enrolling in the 2016 Soybean Yield Challenge and there are plenty of categories to get involved in. [...]
Agronomy: Getting The Most Out of Your Acres
Another alternative to planting corn is double cropping soybeans after wheat. Steve Jobs, the founder of Apple, once said “Your time is limited so [...]
Agronomy: Continuous Beans: Are soybeans after soybeans profitable?
Recent analysis suggests that soybeans have been more profitable than corn in Illinois from 2013 to 2015, and there is a reasonable chance that [...]
Agronomy: Risks of Saving and Replanting Roundup Ready® Soybean Seed from Harvest
Recently, with the expiration of the U.S. patent of the original Roundup Ready soybean trait (RR1) in 2014 and the third party patent in [...]