Agronomy: Soybean Development
It is important from time to time to review soybeans’ development system. The original Iowa State University (How A Soybean Plant Develops, ISU Special Report [...]
Agronomy: Taking the Six Secrets to Your Own Field
Dr. Fred Below at the University of Illinois been conducting his Six Secrets of Soybean Success research project at sites across Illinois for the past [...]
Agronomy: Are Starters of Value?
To add or not to add—starters on soybeans. I would like to put this debate to bed once and for all. Over my years as [...]
Agronomy: Lodged Wheat: The Double-Crop Nightmare
To say that Southern Illinois has been blessed with rain this spring is an understatement. Here at our farm we have had over 9 inches [...]
Agronomy: When Do Soybeans Start to Flower?
Dan Arkels, 100-bushel Yield Challenge winner in 2014, planted his Yield Challenge entry April 17, 2016. These plots are already flowering. It might seem sort [...]
Agronomy: There’s an App for That – Predicting Soybean Replant
It seems these days there is an app for about anything you can think of. Generally, in the agriculture world I have a hard time [...]
Agronomy: Meet Your Soy CCA Envoys
There are six soybean experts who are part of the Soy CCA Envoy program, each specializing in a different area of soybean management. Read their [...]
Agronomy: Illinois Council on Best Management Practices – Summer Newsletter
FARMERS IMPROVED WATERSHED HEALTH, STUDY SHOWS A long-running experiment to improve water quality in and around Livingston County has yielded encouraging results. New analysis of [...]
Agronomy: To replant or not replant, that is the question.
As I sit here in my office I can hear the patter of raindrops outside the window. It is late May and we are still [...]
Agronomy: Considerations for Double Cropping
I was reminded today that wheat harvest is not far away. No, it wasn’t seeing a combine sitting out by a shed. It wasn’t even [...]