Agronomy: 2016: Another Year of Learning
In Northern Illinois we have had another interesting year with soybeans. We have had some great soybeans, some good soybeans and some fields that [...]
Agronomy: The Three W’s of 2016 Soybean Yields: (Weather, Weeds, and What Went Wrong?)
Weather The weather in 2016 set up the potential for some very high soybean yields in many areas of Illinois and to be honest, [...]
Agronomy: Soybean Yields in Illinois
In recent years, soybean yields in Illinois have been exceptional, leading to questions on whether technologies have caused a "jump" in soybean yields. While [...]
Agronomy: Getting Wheat Off to a Good Start
The success of your double crop enterprises in 2017 begins with planning for and planting wheat this fall. Looking to 2017 and our double [...]
Agronomy: Summarizing the Soybean Season from Southeast Illinois
As I write this, my final report as an Envoy, #harvest16 is in full swing. Corn is all but done here in Southeastern Illinois [...]
Agronomy: Growing Soybeans in Africa
The ILSoyAdvisor site attracts soybean questions from around the globe. It is a premier soybean management website that is finishing its third season online. [...]
Agronomy: Summarizing the Soybean Season from Southwest Illinois
Well, this is my last article as the season comes to a close as a Soybean Envoy for 2016. I’m going to hit a [...]
Agronomy: Summarizing the Soybean Season from Northwest Illinois
Weather and weed challenges were the two main issues in 2016; however, yields will still be above average. After record warm and wet periods [...]
Agronomy: The Six Secrets of Soybean Yield
This post highlights material covered in a breakout session sponsored by Asgrow/DEKALB at the recent ILSoyAdvisor Field Days. To see other posts in this [...]
Agronomy: Dan Arkels’ Yield Challenge Approach
Dan Arkels, 2015 100 Bushel Challenge Winner, explains that growing 100 bushel soybeans does not occur from changing one or two variables; a successful [...]