Food for Thought
In two months both your physical and mental activities will turn to focusing on planting your 2018 soybean crop, so now is the time [...]
Time to Think About Frost and Spring Seeding
Common frost seeding practices: Under-seeding small grains (generally red or mammoth clover) can be put on with spring nitrogen applications Thicken pastures, hay fields [...]
Illinois Soybean Yields are Growing by Leaps and Bounds!
You probably recently read the press release announcing Illinois as the No. 1 soybean producing state in the U.S. once again. And for a [...]
Monitoring Compositional Quality
If you grow soybeans you are selling pounds of oil and pounds of protein, not bushels. End users buy either oil, protein or the [...]
Have you checked your grain bins lately?
Managing soybeans doesn’t end with combining. If you have stored them on-farm, you need to continue to manage them. As the winter weather continues [...]
Understanding Test Weight
When we deliver grain, the elevator runs moisture and test weights. For corn and wheat, these measurements can impact price and lead to price [...]
2017 Illinois Yield Challenge Winners Announced; 100-Bushel Yields Continue
BLOOMINGTON, Ill. December 18, 2017—Several soybean growers topped 90 bushels per acre (bu/A) in the Illinois Soybean Association (ISA) checkoff program’s annual Yield Challenge [...]
It’s a Big World, But We’re All Closer Than You Think
I have been volunteering for the past 14 years with an organization called Foods Resource Bank (FRB). FRB raises funds in the U.S.—usually through [...]
Moving Beyond Best Recommended Practices
Soybeans yields are steadily improving in Illinois and we can thank continued improvements in both genetics and management for these gains. Seed companies continue [...]
It’s “Draft Season” for 2018 Planting
Soybean variety selection is the first important decision you make, and seed companies take this very seriously. I don’t know about you, but I [...]