Tips for planning and producing a 100-bushel crop.
If you have ever seen the movie Groundhog Day, you may be able to relate to the main character’s constant dilemma, which is being [...]
Farming with Ephemeral Gullies: Fix It, Don’t Disk It!
“Ephemeral gullies” are small channels that are formed in natural, concentrated water flow areas. They are generally shallow, yet visible, and are normally easily [...]
Illinois Soybean Yield Challenge
Why helping with the Illinois Yield Challenge, since its inception in 2009, interested me and why Illinois needed this initiative. After a career in [...]
Volunteer Corn Impacts Yield
So just how much yield loss comes from volunteer corn? In Roundup Ready®, Xtend® or Liberty® beans, volunteer corn from the previous corn crop [...]
Harvesting High Moisture Wheat
If you double-crop soybeans after wheat, consider harvesting the wheat at high moisture. If you double-crop soybeans after wheat and want to increase soybean [...]
Set Yourself up for Success in Double-Crop Soybeans.
Double-cropping soybeans can be a success with the right plan in mind. There are several things growers need to do to set themselves up [...]
Key to Yield is Keeping Pods
At the end of the day, the yield of soybeans is determined by the number of pods per acre. The greater the number of [...]
Replant Considerations: Checklist for Coming Back from Calamity
Down at the local co-op, farm store, or coffee shop, there’s always one guy who, when asked if done with planting, answers, “Yeah, at [...]
Soybean Fields or Swingin’ Hips
After the planter is parked for the season it is time to make observations of emerging and developing crop. Early scouting trips provide a [...]
Early Soybean Scouting
ILeVO Halo Effect The Halo effect is associated with ILeVO-treated soybean seed. Regardless of the halo severity on early leaves, stand is not affected, [...]