
Don’t Let White Mold Take Hold.

White mold is damaging to soybean yields, specifically in the northern region of Illinois. ILSoyAdvisor Soy Envoy Crystal Williams shares critical tips on early identification and proactive measures against this disease.

By |July 27, 2023|

Navigating a New Era: Understanding the Endangered Species Act and Its Impact on Pesticide Regulation

How will the Endangered Species Act (ESA) affect pesticide usage in agriculture? Join Dr. Aaron Hager for this ILSoyAdvisor webinar and learn how the EPA is developing an updated ESA Workplan that addresses the protection of nearly 1,700 threatened and endangered species and their critical habitats while also governing the registration, distribution, sale, and use of pesticides.

By |July 24, 2023|

Field Day Attracts More Than Heat

The intense heat did not stop more than 45 farmers and industry reps from attending the 2023 Southern Illinois University (SIU) Summer Field Day at Carbondale on Friday, July 14. After missing last year, the field day returned to the research fields of SIU to hear what researchers had learned over the last two years.

By |July 20, 2023|

ISA Funded Research Provides Insights on Cover Crop Planting Dates

What is the ideal planting date for a clover cover crop? University of Illinois Extension Educator, Nathan Johanning, provides an update from the Belleville Research Center – recorded on May 26th. He walks through the trial site and explains the outcomes between the October and November planting dates of balansa clover and crimson clover.

By |July 17, 2023|

Effects of Recent Air Quality on Plants

Over the past few weeks, there has been a light haze in the air from the Canadian fires, and at times, the haze has become very dense. Agronomy Intern Shelby Stoner gives the inside scoop on recent weather developments.

By |July 17, 2023|

Predicting the Appearance of Tar Spot

Has the weather been conducive for Tar Spot to make its appearance? ISA Outreach Agronomist, Stephanie Porter, says to not let the recent dryness rule the disease out as intermittent wet/dry cycles and temperature are variables to consider to help predict the appearance of Tar Spot.

By |July 13, 2023|
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