Agronomy: When will soybean harvest begin?
September is here and we are counting the days till soybean harvest. It will be a good harvest with above average yields. So, what [...]
Agronomy: How is the soybean crop maturing?
So how is the soybean crop faring in Illinois? The USDA has its annual yield predictions coming out in August and September and this [...]
Agronomy: Webinar: Strategies for Finishing Out the Soybean Season
Mike Wilson, Soy CCA Envoy from Southeast Illinois, explains why managing soybeans through Labor Day can help increase yield and ultimately improve growers’ bottom [...]
Agronomy: Strategies for finishing out the soybean season
It’s after mid-July; do you know what your soybeans are doing? Here we sit either waiting on a rain or waiting for it to stop, [...]
Agronomy: High Yield Soybeans—What’s Your “Model”?
After being the long-neglected “step-child” feeding on the leftovers from the corn crop, soybeans are beginning to gain respect as a primary crop on [...]
PODCAST: Harvest Report from Central Illinois
Despite low expectations, many growers saw above average yields this season, usually between 50 and 70 bu/ac. Lance Tarochione, CCA, provides an in-depth explanation [...]
WEBINAR: Lessons from a Surprising Season
Emerson Nafziger, Ph.D., professor of crop sciences and extension agronomist at the University of Illinois, highlights the weather patterns that producers saw throughout Illinois [...]
Agronomy: Profitability Matters: Cutting $100 per Acre in Soybeans
2015 delivered a tough growing season for many Illinois farmers, and lower soybean prices to follow. For incomes to increase in 2016, either commodity [...]
Agronomy: Harvest Report from Southern Illinois
In southern Illinois, most soybeans were planted by the time the wet weather arrived this year. 2015 still held some major challenges for soybean [...]
Agronomy: Post Season Soybean Evaluation
When it comes to producing high-yield soybeans, knowing the details count. By now most fields of full-season soybeans have been harvested. It probably felt [...]