Fertilizer Outlook and Chemical Supply Chain Update for the 2023 Growing Season
Learn from KJ Johnson as he discusses the global fertilizer and agri-chemical market and the factors that impact chemical and fertilizer availability for Illinois farmers.
ISA Soy Envoys Selected For 2023 Growing Season
The Illinois Soybean Association (ISA) has named its ILSoyAdvisor Soy Envoy class for the 2023 growing season.
Comprehensive Evaluation of Phosphorus Best Management Practices
Updating recommendations on the 4Rs of phosphorus fertilization for soybean production
USDA Cover Crop Use and Decision Chart
This chart was modeled after the periodic table, and it was designed to help producers make cover crop use decisions on their farm or forage production system.
Attention Double Crop Producers: March 15th Crop Insurance Deadline Approaching
The USDA Risk Management announced this summer that agricultural producers may have options for double crop soybeans (or other crops) insurance in counties where the “Following Another Crop” (FAC) practice in not available.
Making Cover Crops Work For You – A Spring Workshop
This spring workshop is presented by Williamson County Soil and Water Conservation District in cooperation with the Illinois Soybean Association, Pike Ag, LLC and USDA NRCS.
Soybean Summit Featured In Illinois Field & Bean
ILSoyAdvisor is eager to share and promote “The Soybean Summit: All Star Edition” of the Illinois Field & Bean, a publication of ISA.
Top Ten Reasons Why I Enjoyed Being an Illinois Soy Envoy
Stephanie Porter, Illinois Soybean Association Outreach Agronomist, shares her perspective of being an Illinois Soy Envoy.
Citizen Science for Great Lakes Cover Crop Research NEEDS YOU!
Participate in a citizen science study to understand variation in cover crop growth across different farming conditions.
Voles: The Ultimate Arch Nemesis of Soybeans in the Pursuit of Better Soil Health
One of the most frequent questions asked thus far after cover crop presentations or events is “How do you control voles in cover crops?” To control these pests, we first need to understand their biology to know how to combat them.