Stephanie Porter

A Need For Your Seed: SIU Seeks Soybean Samples for Research

The ISA agronomy team, in collaboration with SIU Professor Dr. Ahmad Fakhoury, is seeking soybean samples from various regions in Illinois. This initiative aims to provide valuable insights to farmers by identifying the predominant pathogens and pests affecting soybean production fields. Additionally, it seeks to understand how environmental and geographical factors contribute to their prevalence and distribution.

By |October 16, 2023|

How Cover Crops Impact Soybean Growth and Development

Researchers around the state are continuing to study and learn about the impact of cover crops on soybean growth and development and grain yield. Read observations from three experts and their assessments from this season and questions they are asking themselves in preparation for the 2024 growing season.

By |October 9, 2023|

Every Sample Counts: Submit Soybeans for 2023 Quality Survey

Participate in the 2023 Soybean Quality Survey and send in your soybean harvest sample for free. Dr. Seth Naeve from the University of Minnesota invites all U.S. farmers to contribute, and your individual test results will be kept confidential while helping identify the highest-quality soybean varieties.

By |September 19, 2023|

Scooby-Doo Corn Mystery: What the pHex is Going On?

ISA Outreach Agronomist & CCA, Stephanie Porter, investigates a field with stunted corn with necrotic striping, ultimately pinpointing low soil pH as a culprit alongside corn nematode. Porter highlights the need for pH management and its impact on crop performance.

By |August 21, 2023|

Did You Feed Your Soybean?

To help guide and evaluate fertility decisions for high-yielding soybeans, Stephanie Porter breaks down nutrient requirements to better understand and monitor soybean utilization during the growing season.

By |August 17, 2023|

What About Stem Canker on Soybean?

Illinois Soybean Association Outreach Agronomist and Certified Crop Adviser, Stephanie Porter, reports on a fairly common, yet hardly discussed disease - Stem Canker on Soybean. Porter writes about its causes, symptoms, and impacts on soybeans, emphasizing early diagnosis, plant resistance, and ongoing research for effective management.

By |August 10, 2023|
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