
Register Today for Soybean Summit on February 1st

Join Illinois Soybean Association at the annual Soybean Summit in Champaign for the latest in soybean production. Attendees will be updated on cover crop trends, secrets to high-yield soybean farming, 2024’s chemical supply chain, and soybean pest management. Register today!

By |December 6, 2023|

Register Today for 2024 Better Beans Series!

Prepare for a successful 2024 growing season with the Illinois Soybean Association (ISA) by attending a half-day Better Beans event in your area. The ISA Agronomy Team alongside university researchers and agronomy experts will deliver regional insights on a range of topics, from conquering weed challenges and managing diseases to optimizing soil health.

By |November 30, 2023|

Soybean-Specifics of Soil Health: What Do We Know?

When it comes to soybeans, are there specific considerations on soil health? In this webinar, Dr. Andrew Margenot will review reasons for anticipating soybean-specific considerations on soil health processes and management, and methods for testing soil health.

By |November 15, 2023|

Impact of Cover Crops on SCN

As cover crops gain popularity in crop rotations, the question arises: Do they aid or potentially host soybean cyst nematode (SCN)? Dr. Mandy Bish from the University of Missouri Extension examines strip-trial data, particularly regarding cereal rye, which shows no significant enhancement of SCN populations. However, the impact of legume cover crops on SCN remains an area of concern.

By |October 5, 2023|
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