What Should My Adjusted Gross Income Be?
Each year taxpayers have the opportunity to work with their tax preparer to craft a year-end tax plan that provides a desired tax liability. [...]
Steps to Creating an Entity
There are many reasons individuals decide to formalize their operation into a business entity. A variety of entity structures are available for business owners [...]
Accrual vs Cash: What’s the Difference?
How often have you received your tax return back with a Schedule F for your farm operation that doesn’t reflect anything close to what [...]
Balance Sheet Benchmarking: Know Your Numbers
Creating a balance sheet is one of the first and most crucial steps when considering the health of your farm and potential changes in [...]
Preparing for Planting Amidst Social Distancing
By Todd Steinacher and Jessie Shoopman Amid the COVID-19 outbreak, we all need to do our parts and practice social distancing. At the same [...]
Budgeting: What, Why and How?
By Jessie Shoopman and Emily Carls What? What is budgeting? More specifically, what is budgeting for business management? Budgeting can be defined as the [...]