Foliar Feeding Soybeans
Retailers commonly promote foliar feeding soybeans. But before deciding on foliar feeding, understand these 10 myths vs. facts. The use and benefit of liquid [...]
Controlling White Mold
May was a wet month with frequent rains and very little drying and June is shaping up to be fairly similar. Of course, all [...]
Foliar N on Soybeans Can Work – Sometimes
Growers have been asking about applying nitrogen (N) to soybeans. Soybeans have been shown to require more nitrogen than corn; roughly 5 lbs. per [...]
Potassium Deficiencies
Time to start watching for potassium deficiencies in soybeans Soybeans require a whole lot of potassium (K) and remove a whopping 1.4 pounds of [...]
Diagnosing PPO Damage
PPO herbicides + cool, wet conditions = herbicide damage With the recent spate of hot, dry weather it’s hard to remember that only a [...]
Participate in an opportunity to improve soybean health
Want to harness the power of microbial products to improve soybean health, resist stress and increase yield? Enroll in the 2017 Yield Challenge Side-by-Side [...]
Combating SCN: Weakening of PI 88788 Resistance
Overreliance on PI 88788 as the major source of genetic resistance has weakened its effectiveness as soybean cyst nematode (SCN) populations continue to evolve. [...]
Cold Stress in Soybeans at Seeding
Soybean seeds experience their own form of hypothermia just like mammals do. Cold soils and cold water impact the seed more than you might [...]
Increasing soybean’s ability to handle stress
Enroll in the 2017 Yield Challenge side-by-side comparison and test out a product that “immunizes” a plant to improve its ability to handle stress. [...]
Variable seeding saves money
Variable-rate seeding is a practice you should adopt with today’s precision farming technology and hydraulically driven planters. Considering high seed costs, erratic weather conditions [...]