Dan Davidson

Sampling for SCN

Are you benchmarking your soil’s SCN population? Because SCN can impact yield, even without showing above-ground plant symptoms, it pays to know what is [...]

By |October 2, 2017|

Thinking About Adding Nitrogen

African soybean producer wants to know if he should be applying nitrogen to his soybeans. ILSoyAdvisor, ISA’s soybean management website, has global reach. We [...]

By |September 25, 2017|

Consider Adding Wheat

Adding winter wheat into your corn-soybean rotation has many benefits. The Illinois Soybean Association (ISA) and the wheat seed industry in Illinois are embarking [...]

By |September 18, 2017|

Soil Health Imperative

Is soil health driving any of your on-farm decisions? Powering up the soil is like supercharging an engine. There are lots of things you [...]

By |August 9, 2017|

Do Soybeans Respond to Micros?

A recent Minnesota research study said soybean yield doesn’t respond to a broadcast application of boron, chlorine, manganese and zinc. Deficiency of micronutrients can [...]

By |August 2, 2017|

Foliar Feeding Soybeans

What makes a good formulation for foliar feeding soybeans? There has been a lot of interest in foliar feeding soybeans since the runup in [...]

By |July 10, 2017|
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