Monitoring Compositional Quality
If you grow soybeans you are selling pounds of oil and pounds of protein, not bushels. End users buy either oil, protein or the [...]
Understanding Test Weight
When we deliver grain, the elevator runs moisture and test weights. For corn and wheat, these measurements can impact price and lead to price [...]
Can Soybeans Grow in Hydric Soils?
An attorney from Virginia called recently to discuss whether soybeans can or can’t grow in hydric soils. He is representing a client in Virginia [...]
Tips for preemerge herbicide use
We have exited the Roundup Ready® era when all we had to do was apply a shot or two of a glyphosate herbicide and [...]
Moving Beyond Best Recommended Practices
Soybeans yields are steadily improving in Illinois and we can thank continued improvements in both genetics and management for these gains. Seed companies continue [...]
Increasing your knowledge
Are you an agronomist, CCA or producer and want to increase your knowledge about crop management? Attend the Illinois CCA and Ag Masters Conferences [...]
Rolling Soybeans
Some growers roll soybeans, but should you consider it? This practice started in western Minnesota and the Dakotas. Growers would roll fields after planting [...]
No-Till Soybean Production Tips
A lot of soybeans are no-till in the U.S. and across the Corn Belt. However, in regions with flat, black dirt some growers are [...]
SCN Egg Counts Surprisingly High
SCN egg counts were surprisingly high in a Southern Illinois survey. The Illinois Soybean checkoff is funding an SCN (Soybean Cyst Nematode) study to [...]
Nitrogen on Soybeans: Here is What We Know
Soybeans require nitrogen and lots of it because it’s a protein crop, and proteins contain 16% nitrogen. For decades we have relied on the [...]