Dan Davidson

Dropping Soybean Population

Over the past few years, the Illinois Soybean Association has been working with the Iowa On-Farm Network (OFN) to evaluate promising production practices. The [...]

By |April 1, 2018|

Dropping Seeding Rates

Many growers can save money by dropping soybean seeding rates in 2018. We have seen a big decline in soybean seeding rates over the [...]

By |March 8, 2018|

Will soybeans respond to sulfur?

Sulfur (S) is becoming a more deficient nutrient, following phosphorus and potassium. Alfalfa and corn producers are already adding sulfur into their fertility program. [...]

By |February 28, 2018|

Sulfur Availability

Sulfur (S) deficiencies are more common due to less atmospheric deposits, declining organic matter levels and bigger crop yields. It’s time to add sulfur [...]

By |February 14, 2018|
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