Plant & Soil Health: Making the Connection: Sulfur and Nitrogen Working Together
Maximizing protein production and nitrogen fixation requires an ample supply of sulfur. Soybeans require both nitrogen and sulfur and they are interrelated. Soybeans require [...]
Agronomy: Soybean Planting Depth
Not too late to plant deeper! For a long time producers and agronomists believed that the correct planting depth for soybeans is 1 to 1.5 [...]
Agronomy: How Do I Decide Whether to Treat My Soybean Seed?
Treating soybean seed is a good risk management tool for a relatively small investment per acre. It is usually not done at a seed plant, [...]
Plant & Soil Health: Does Foliar Feeding Work?
Does the soil supply enough nutrients or can foliar feeding really help yield? It is becoming a common practice to foliar feed crop plants when [...]
Plant & Soil Health: Phosphorus Availability
Phosphorus is one of the nutrients targeted in the nutrient reduction strategy recently proposed by the Illinois EPA. Phosphorus loss isn’t so much about amount, [...]
Plant & Soil Health: Is Hypocotyl Length Important?
Will soybean hypocotyl length become important when selecting varieties to place seed deeper? The hypocotyl is that structure that lifts and pulls the cotyledons [...]
Plant Health: Applying Boron on Soybeans
While farmers don’t think much about applying boron, a micronutrient needed in small amounts, it is the most common micronutrient deficiency in soybeans, followed [...]
Plant & Soil Health: Importance of Potassium in Soybeans
Soybeans have a big appetite for potassium, so ask yourself, are you feeding them enough? Soybeans require potash and plenty of it and remove [...]
Agronomy: Fall Tillage Considerations
Tillage is a popular practice across much of Illinois and it still has its place in a high-yield management system. It also simplifies other [...]
Agronomy: Thinking about Nitrogen Fixation
Are your soybeans fixing as much nitrogen as possible and how much nitrogen can a soybean plant fix? Soybeans are a legume and take [...]