The “one size fits all” use of biological products may not be the perfect fit for your fields. Join Dr. Vitor Rampazzo Favoretto in this 40-minute journey to understand the different types of biologicals, what they do in the plant, and how you can tailor technology for higher quality and yields.

Dr. Vitor Rampazzo Favoretto remains deeply rooted in the family farm in Brazil. Soybean was always in the spotlight during his undergraduate studies at Londrina State University in Parana State, Brazil. After a quick experience with small grains at Kansas State University, he returned to soybean to pursue his master’s and doctoral degrees at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, researching management practices for high-yield and high-protein soybean. He thinks his 7+ years of experience with Soybean in Brazil and the U.S. did not prepare him enough for the challenge he faces as the Disease and Pest Team Coordinator at the Soybean Innovation Laboratory. However, he is eager to learn and use his experience to help African farmers achieve soybean success by avoiding yield losses and helping the laboratory on the mission to achieve the sustainability of the soybean value chain in Africa!

This presentation was featured at Soybean Summit on February 2nd.

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About the Author: Kelsey Litchfield

Kelsey Litchfield is the Agronomic Outreach Specialist for the Illinois Soybean Association. In her role, she manages Field Advisor's media platforms and assists the agronomy team with events and field days. A native of Rio, IL, Kelsey earned her bachelor’s degree from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign in 2017 where she double majored in Agricultural Communications and Broadcast Journalism.

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