This project is comparing 1) different cereal rye seeding dates and rates before soybean, and 2) different planting dates of two clover species after soybean harvest and ahead of corn. Farmers will better understand cover crop planting and seeding rate recommendations and best management practices for adding cover crops to their cropping systems. The 2024 growing season was the second year of this three-year project.
Read below for a project update provided by Nathan Johanning.
“This fall, we established planting date trials for cereal rye and clovers at our six trial locations around the state. Trials are located at:
- Belleville, St. Clair County, SIU Belleville Research Center
- Freeport, Stephenson County, Highland Community College
- Ewing, Franklin County, Ewing Demonstration Center
- Monmouth, Warren County, Northwestern Illinois Research Center
- Perry, Pike County, Orr Research Center
- Urbana, Champaign County, University of Illinois
We also established a cover crop systems trial for soybeans, testing other cover crops ahead of soybeans at the Belleville Research Center. The main challenge was that, due to rain and staffing issues, the Urbana site was started late and likely won’t be able to establish the full number of planting dates for both trials. Otherwise, the cover crops look very good!”
To learn more about this checkoff funded research study, visit the Field Advisor Research Hub here.