WEBINAR: Effective Weed Management on Enlist™ E3™ Soybean Acres
Learn how new 2,4-D choline in Enlist™ herbicides provides effective control of tough and glyphosate-resistant weeds, as part of a herbicide program approach with [...]
WEBINAR: Emerging and Reemerging Diseases in Soybeans
We know that tractors are beginning to role and April is not an ideal time for a webinar. That's why for the first time, [...]
WEBINAR: Advantages to Participating in the Illinois Soybean Yield Challenge
The Illinois Soybean Association has been sponsoring the Illinois Yield Challenge since 2010. During the last 9 years, growers have challenged themselves to produce [...]
WEBINAR: Importance of Aggregation for Soil Health
In this webinar we go in-depth and learn more about how aggregates are an important part of a healthy soil. We’ll start with the [...]
WEBINAR: Creating a System for Soybean Yield Success
Over the past several years we’ve seen a consistent trend of increasing soybean yields in Illinois. While admittedly there can be a lot of [...]
WEBINAR: Improved Seed Treatment Stewardship Through Innovation
In 2018, nearly 89 million acres each of corn and soybean were planted across the United States. The seed treatment products available for growers [...]
WEBINAR: The Amazing 2018 Soybean Season: Lessons for 2019
The 2018 soybean crop got off to a slow start due to winter like conditions in April, but once the crop was up and [...]
WEBINAR: Explaining the 100-Bushel Yield Gap
A few growers have broken 100-bushel soybean yields and the world record is 171 bushels. Yet for many growers, field yields remain in the [...]
WEBINAR: Nitrogen Management Systems in Tile Drained Fields: Optimizing Yields and Minimizing Losses
Lowell Gentry will demonstrate annual nutrient losses from tile drained agricultural watersheds in east central Illinois and will focus on a replicated tile drainage [...]
WEBINAR: Nitrogen Management Systems in Tile Drained Fields: Optimizing Yields and Minimizing Losses
Lowell Gentry will demonstrate annual nutrient losses from tile drained agricultural watersheds in east central Illinois and will focus on a replicated tile drainage [...]