WEBINAR: Getting the Most out of Your Soybeans with Good P and K Nutrition
Providing adequate amounts of phosphorous and potassium nutrition can help soybean plants reach their potential yield. When these nutrients are deficient in the soil, [...]
Agronomy: WEBINAR: Implementing the 4Rs to Avoid the Big R (Regulation)
Illinois’ Nutrient Loss Reduction Strategy (NLRS) aims to reduce nutrient losses to the Mississippi River Basin by 45% by 2025. For farmers and retailers, [...]
Webinar: Reducing Nutrient Loss From Farmland
High fertilizer prices and environmental degradation associated with fertilizer applications are two hot topics in many people’s mind. This presentation will help consultants, growers, [...]
WEBINAR: Making Soil Health Practical for Fertility Management
Soil health is defined as a balanced, fully-functioning soil system. Traditionally, farming has focused on managing nutrients to keep soils high in productivity. Now, [...]
Agronomy: WEBINAR: Game-Changing Technology Coming to Agriculture
Unmanned aerial vehicles, also known as UAVs, are popping up on farms throughout the Midwest and recognized UAV advocate Chad Colby thinks their presence [...]
WEBINAR: Making Soybeans More Than a Rotational Crop for Corn
With a downturn in commodity prices, many farmers are wondering what changes they will need to make in 2015 to remain profitable. In recent [...]
Disease: WEBINAR: Managing SDS with Proven Strategies and New Tools
Watching out for disease is critical to keeping soybean stress low and to ensuring maximum yields. One of the biggest production constraints in 2014 [...]
Agronomy: WEBINAR: Achieving Profitability in Challenging Grain Markets in 2015
Growers have enjoyed high commodity prices over the past few years. However, as prices decline and input costs increase, many anticipate 2015 will bring [...]
Agronomy: WEBINAR: Six Secrets of Soybean Success
ILSoyAdvisor.com continued its winter webinar series on Wednesday, Jan. 21. In "Six Secrets of Soybean Success,” Fred Below, Ph.D., University of Illinois professor of [...]
Agronomy: Free Webinar on Soybean Success
Unlock the secrets to better soybean profitability with an upcoming webinar, “Six Secrets of Soybean Success” by Fred Below, Ph.D., professor of plant physiology [...]