Biologicals: Are They a Barrier or a Game-Changer?
Hear from two experts as they share practical tips and trial data on microbial biostimulants and seed treatments in this Field Advisor webinar.
Taking a Look at 2024 Climate and Water Trends with Illinois State Water Survey
Learn about 2024 climate trends, projections for the 2025 growing season, and the importance of reporting water use in Illinois.
Misconceptions of Brazil Agriculture
Dr. Joana Colussi and Dr. Giovani Preza Fontes debunk myths about Brazil's agriculture from economic and agronomic perspectives.
Navigating Soil Health Tests
This webinar, presented by Dr. Andrew Margenot and Heidi Allen Asensio, offers an overview of soil health testing. They cover common test types, interpretation of results, and how these tests can inform management decisions.
Sign Up for ILSoyAdvisor’s Upcoming Webinar: “Navigating Soil Health Tests”
Join Dr. Andrew Margenot and Heidi Allen Asensio from UIUC for a webinar on soil health testing. Learn about test types, interpreting results, and using them for management decisions on Aug 22, 10 AM CT via Zoom.
Using Drones for Weed Management
In this GROW Farmer Forum, panelists led a discussion of the current state of drone scouting, mapping and herbicide applications for weed management, as well as the future of the technology. Dr. Steve Li, of Auburn University, served as the moderator, alongside panelist Rick Jordan, of CNY Drone Services.
Neonicotinoid Seed Treatments: What Does the Research Tell Us?
Join the Illinois Soybean Growers webinar, April 10, 7-8am CT, reviewing research on neonicotinoid seed treatments. Learn about insect control efficacy, impacts on soybean and corn yields, and environmental effects.
Combating Soybean Cyst Nematode With Advancements In Genomic and Breeding Technologies
Learn about the evolving threat of soybean cyst nematode (SCN) and how researchers are tracking genetic changes in worm populations in response to soybean hosts. Dr. Matthew Hudson and Dr. Andrew Scaboo discuss SCN genome insights and innovative strategies using native genes against resistant SCN variants, such as those in PI 88788 and Peking.
Savvy Full Season Soybean Management Webinar Series
Science for Success is hosting a three-part virtual webinar series to discuss strategies farmers can utilize to optimize soybean yield. This webinar series will explore some of the many management decisions soybean farmers face throughout the growing season.
Combating Soybean Cyst Nematode With Advancements In Genomic and Breeding Technologies
Participate in an ILSoyAdvisor webinar on March 14th, discovering the advancements in genomic and breeding technologies to tackle the evolving soybean cyst nematode resistance challenges such as those found in PI 88788 and Peking.