
Soybean Stem Diseases in Illinois

In this Better Beans presentation, Dr. Jason Bond provides an update on a research project funded by IL Soybean, focusing on soybean stem diseases. He covers the collection of samples, shares results, and discusses incidences of specific diseases including anthracnose, SDS, charcoal rot, and more throughout the state.

By |February 16, 2024|

Sulfur Foundations in High Yield Soybeans

Dr. Shaun Casteel discusses intentional soybean management, beginning with establishing a solid foundation and then expanding into different production practices. He also covers considerations for sulfur management in connection to high yield soybean planting, field conditions, and other synergies.

By |February 12, 2024|

Enhancing Soybean Yields: The Impact of Strategic Nutrient Management

This on-farm research project, funded by the Illinois Soybean Association checkoff program, explores the impact of strategic nutrient management on soybean yield across northern and central Illinois, examining various strategies under different conditions such as no-till, strip-till, row spacing, and cover cropping to inform best practices for soybean nutrient management.

By |January 15, 2024|

WEBINAR: Soybean-Specifics of Soil Health: What Do We Know?

When it comes to soybeans, are there specific considerations for soil health? In this webinar, Dr. Andrew Margenot with the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, reviews reasons for anticipating soybean-specific considerations on soil health processes and management and methods for testing soil health.

By |December 8, 2023|

Exploring Cover Crops as a SCN Management Tool

Soybean cyst nematode poses a significant threat to soybean yields, and despite previous management successes, it has adapted to resistance. Researchers, supported by the Illinois Soybean Association, are investigating the potential of cover crops as a tool to mitigate SCN damage.

By |October 9, 2023|
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