Soybean Cyst Nematode (SCN): Current Management and Looking Ahead
Dr. Mandy Bish discusses soybean cyst nematode and findings from seed treatment experiments, on-farm strip trial studies, on-farm sampling efforts, and some cereal rye cover crop data. She also discusses advances in SCN-resistance breeding efforts.
Biologicals on Soybean: Don’t go Blind, be Bright!
The “one size fits all” use of biological products may not be the perfect fit for your fields. Join Dr. Vitor Rampazzo Favoretto to understand the different types of biologicals, what they do in the plant, and how you can tailor technology for higher quality and yields.
Using Multispectral Platforms to Manage Soybean Cyst Nematode
Continuing research from the past two years, Dr. Jason Bond and team aim to extend greenhouse trials to better understand the relationship between SCN infestation and soybean phenology, and expand image analyses with both supervised and unsupervised classification methods.
Planting Soybeans “Green”, Pennycress, and Soybean Weed Management
What are the benefits and costs of planting soybeans green? Dr. Mark Bernards of WIU discusses this practice as well as how pennycress might fit into a soybean-corn rotation and soybean weed management lessons learned on the WIU agronomy farm.
Soybean Foliar and Stem Diseases
Dr. Jason Bond shares the results of a statewide detection effort and discusses the results from an“Insects and Disease” farmer survey conducted in 2022.
Cover Crop Management Strategies in Commodity Crop Systems for Soil Health and Nutrient Retention
Jim Isermann shares his steps to success in cover crop management.
7 Questions We Asked Our New Soy Envoy Class
Meet the new Soy Envoy class! Watch as they share more information about their favorite agronomic topic, why they wanted to be a Soy Envoy, their proudest accomplishment, and more.
Current Recommendations for Soybean Pest Management in Illinois
Dr. Nick Seiter presents current recommendations for soybean pest management in Illinois, including updated economic thresholds for defoliating insects, management guidelines for pod feeders (stink bugs and bean leaf beetles), and pest risks following a rye cover crop.
Maximizing Your Weed Control Success
Soy Envoy Karen Corrigan encourages growers to evaluate each component of their tank mix and consider adding alternative weed control practices to their overall strategy.
Science for Success Panel
Learn more about their funded projects as well as how to get your hands on up-to-date information to optimize your soybean yield and protect quality.