Soybeans and Herbicide Carry-Over: Observations, Challenges, and Solutions
Illinois Soybean Association Soy Envoy Kris Ehler investigates yellow, stunted soybeans in fields and consults University of Illinois Weed Scientist Dr. Aaron Hager. They explore herbicide carry-over from last year's corn crop and the difficulty in identifying a consistent pattern.
Remember G.O.A.L at Planting: GET OUT AND LOOK
Planting season is over for many, but a good reminder is to always Get Out and Look…or G.O.A.L. for short. Soy Envoy Kelly Robertson shares a simple way to check your planter and evaluate how the seed is going in the ground.
Benchmarking and Integrating Soil Health, Water Quality and Climate-Smart Footprints of IL Soybeans
This project aims to identify best practices and metrics for soil health, water quality, and climate impact in soybean farming from 2023 to 2027. The findings will benefit soybean farmers, policy makers, and carbon credit markets, informing practice-based recommendations for implementing soil health, water quality-protective practices, and exploring carbon markets.
Variety Trials Equip Illinois Farmers With Data For Seed Purchase Decisions
The ISA Checkoff Program funds the University of Illinois Crop Science Variety Trials in protein and oil testing. Farmers can use the data to decide to grow varieties with elevated quality characteristics and capitalize on premium pricing opportunities.
Diversifying Your Weed Control Program: The Why and the How for Long-term Success
In this video presentation, Dr. Karla Gage discusses the role of a diverse herbicide program in prolonging the utility of crop biotechnologies and new, emerging Integrated Weed Management (IWM) options.
Soil Fertility and Soybean Yields with Kelly Robertson
Many farmers apply all of their fertilizer before the corn crop; however, Soy Envoy Kelly Robertson recommends making a potash application before the soybean crop to achieve high yields.
Moderate Infestation of Aphids in Richland County, IL
Soy Envoy Matt Herman reports from a wheat field in Richland County and shares how he is using a drone to spray for an aphid infestation.
Dectes Stem Borer Biology and Management
Dr. Nick Seiter discusses insect management recommendations for soybean producers in Southern Illinois.
Soybean Stem Pest: Survey, Impact, and Education
Southern Illinois University PhD student, Danillo Leite, discusses soybean stem diseases and includes information about symptoms and signs to watch for, management practices, benefits of healthy stems, and more.
Planting Soybeans With a Drone
Soy Envoy Matt Herman provides an update from Southern Illinois and explores the idea of planting soybeans with a drone in Richland County.