Which Practices Help Improve Soil Health and Water Quality While Also Giving Me the Ability To Take Advantage of Ecosystem Markets Like Carbon Credit Programs?
This multi-year project will identify soil health, water quality and climate footprint best practices and metrics across regions and cropping systems (soy and double-cropped wheat, soy rotated with corn).
How Can I Become More Confident in Identifying Conservation Practices That Will Positively Impact Crop Productivity and Related Environmental Factors on My Farm?
This project will evaluate current and past trial data, as well as implement additional trials across the state, to help quantify the benefits of adopting conservation management practices so that Illinois’ soybean farmers are equipped to take advantage of developing ecosystem marketplaces.
How Extensive Is Resistance to Group 15 Herbicides in Illinois Waterhemp Populations?
To better understand the frequency of resistance to Group 15 herbicides, this project will collect and screen waterhemp populations from Illinois soybean fields.