Which Insect Pests and at What Threshold Levels Warrant an Insecticide Application or an Insecticide Seed Treatment in Soybeans?
This multi-year project aims to identify the insect pests affecting Illinois soybean crops, their impact on soybean yield and the return on investment of control mechanisms.
Which Stem Diseases and Insects Should I Be Concerned About in My Soybean Fields?
Continuing work already underway across Illinois’ soybean fields, this project aims to identify new and emerging stem diseases and insect pests that negatively impact soybean production and yield.
Which Cover Crops Can Help Suppress Populations of SCN?
This project is using five established cover crop fields throughout Illinois to determine how different types of cover crops affect soybean cyst nematode (SCN) populations.
Which Wheat Varieties Offer Better Spring Freeze Tolerance and Allow Earlier Harvesting for Timely Double-Crop Soybean Planting To Maximize Yield Potential?
Double cropping soybeans after winter wheat is an attractive approach to enhancing profitability in Midwest crop rotations and improving soil health.
When Is the Best Time During the Soybean Growth Stages To Conduct Tissue Testing To Understand Nutrient Needs for Maximum Grain Yield?
Because soybeans are able to remobilize, or redistribute, nutrients from lower to newly developing nodes, more information is needed to understand which nutrients and in what quantities are made available to new nodes.
Which Preemergence Herbicides Are More Likely To Cause Crop Injury When Soybeans Are Planted Early?
While interest in planting soybeans earlier continues to increase, concerns around preemergence (PRE) herbicide injury to emerging seedlings continue to linger.
What Are Some New SOYLEIC™ Varieties That Are High Yielding and Allow Me To Take Advantage of This Value-Added Market Opportunity?
To help Illinois soybean farmers capitalize on market opportunities for high oleic, low linolenic (HOLL) soybean oil, this project continues the breeding efforts to select and license varieties that combine competitive yields with the value-added SOYLEIC™ trait.
Which Soybean Varieties Have Higher Protein and Oil Content so I Can Capitalize on Premium Pricing?
In addition to using the SCIO CNST NIR technology on the combine to determine the protein and oil content of each tested variety, soil samples will be collected at harvest to assess population levels of soybean cyst nematode (SCN).
What Is the Ideal Planting Window To Establish Cover Crops and Obtain Optimum Crop Growth and Yield of Rotational Crops?
To encourage farmers to include more cover crops within their cropping systems, this project is comparing 1) different cereal rye seeding dates and rates before soybean, and 2) different planting dates of two clover species after soybean harvest and ahead of corn.
How Can I Offset Some of the Potential Challenges When Planting Soybeans Into Heavy Corn Residue?
To help more farmers feel confident implementing conservation tillage systems, this project intends to gain insights into the interactions across soil types, starter fertilizer, tillage systems and row spacings and how they affect soybean growth, nutrient uptake, and seed yield and quality.