Autumn Awaits: Football, Frost, and Forecasts in Illinois
Matt Reardon breaks down the fall forecast, explaining when frost typically arrives in Illinois. He also discusses cooler conditions in the near term and a possible warming trend heading into the harvest season.
Introducing Field Advisor: A New Name and Look for a Trusted Resource
Field Advisor, previously known as ILSoyAdvisor and funded by the Illinois Soybean Association checkoff program, has introduced a new logo and brand identity.
Should I Kill My Beans Early?
Would Illinois soybean fields benefit from a desiccant application? Jason Carr examines the advantages of using desiccants on Illinois soybeans and presents trial results from an experiment conducted in north-central Illinois.
High Soybean Foliar Disease Alert in Southern Illinois
Dr. Jason Bond and Dr. Ahmad Fakhoury share recent observations of frogeye leaf spot and sudden death syndrome in soybeans at SIU research sites.
Time to Assess Your Weed Control Successes and Shortcomings
As harvest approaches, it's an ideal time to evaluate this year’s weed control efforts. Soy Envoy Karen Corrigan explains how to identify weed escapes and offers guidance on the next steps for better weed management.
Is the Peking Trait the Answer for Soybean Cyst Nematode?
Planning next year's seed selection? Consider choosing soybeans with Peking resistance to manage Soybean Cyst Nematode. Stephanie Porter, CCA, shares research results from Southern Illinois University's SCN and root knot nematode research site.
Illinois Soybean Stem Pests Update
Dr. Ahmad Fakhoury and Dr. Nick Seiter provide updates on the Soybean Stem Pests project, highlighting the identification of fungal pathogens from diseased plant material and the statewide survey of dectes stem borer and soybean gall midge.
Is It Worth a Rescue Treatment of Liberty Herbicide in Liberty Tolerant Soybeans to Control Waterhemp?
Soy Envoy Eric Beckett, CCA, advises farmers to consider some key questions before using a rescue treatment of Liberty herbicide to control waterhemp.
Research Update: Documenting the Extent of Resistance to Group 15 Herbicides in Illinois Waterhemp Population
Travis Wilke shares an update on an Illinois Soybean Association-funded project documenting waterhemp resistance to Group 15 herbicides, noting progress in seed testing, a new discriminating dose, and summer screening plans.
Illinois Farmers Needed: Contribute to Research on Conservation Practices
Prof. Kaiyu Guan’s team at the University of Illinois seeks 20 farmers for a study on conservation practices, offering analysis of the environmental benefits of adopting major climate-smart methods.