Embarras Grazing Partnership Offers Virtual Office Hours
Are you a producer interested in learning more about pasture management and grazing in the winter?
The New Frontier of Weed Control for Early Planted Soybeans
In 2021 and 2022, Dr. Aaron Hager, University of Illinois, conducted research to establish a sound weed management program for very, early planted soybeans.
ILSoyAdvisor Awards Presented At 2022 Impact Awards
The Illinois Soybean Association has announced its ILSoyAdvisor award winners. The two awards are one way that ISA recognizes and shows its appreciation of Certified Crop Advisers across the state.
Kick off 2023 with ILSoyAdvisor events
Huddle with ILSoyAdvisor and make an offensive play for the 2023 growing season – attend Soybean Summit and Better Beans!
My Opinion On Liquid Fertilizers as a Total Program to Replace P and K
I have had a few recent conversations about liquid fertilizers that are either soil applied or foliar applied as well the questionable promotion that is being put out there.
Soybean Summit to Feature Student Research Poster Competition
We are excited to announce the first ever Illinois Soybean Association Student Research Poster Competition! The competition will take place at our 2023 Soybean Summit on February 2 at the I Hotel in Champaign, IL.
Review of 2022: The Illinois Soybean Scene
There were stresses out there that held back yield in many fields which kept them from going over 90 or 100 bushels this year, but overall Illinois soybean yields were still considered good. The question remains, will Illinois soybean yields be as good as last year?
Soybeans of Other Color (SBOC) – What does this really mean?
When grading soybeans, some off-color seed coats can occur due to various issues such as viral diseases, weather, and ground damage.
Treating Seed with UV Light
Soy Envoy Weston Olson explains the goals of the UV seed treatment and why he enjoys being involved in trials on his family farm.
Laying The Foundation For Your Best Crop Ever
Soy Envoy Jeff Shaner describes the stepping stones he emphasizes for top productivity in Illinois soybeans.