
Wheat As a Suppressor of SCN In Double-Cropping Soybeans

As farmers start planning their wheat harvest and soybean planting, Soy Envoy Leo Rocha continues his soybean pathology series with a summary of some research projects developed at Southern Illinois University looking into the impact of wheat on the soybean cyst nematode.

By |May 22, 2023|

Pop-Up Field Day: Cover Crop Seeding Comparison

 If you are in Champaign or nearby, attend a pop-up field day on Wednesday, May 17th featuring a side-by-side comparison of small, autonomous robots that seeded cover crops in a field of standing corn in late summer versus a conventionally planted cover crop seeded in a harvested cornfield in late fall.

By |May 15, 2023|

Soybean Plant Stands: Is Replanting Necessary?

Early in the growing season, many factors often reduce soybean plant stands - freezing temperatures, hail, slugs, disease, etc. A soybean field with poor seedling vigor, slow plant growth, and low plant stand often triggers an “I need to fix this” impulse; however, these fields don’t always need to be replanted.

By |May 11, 2023|

How Frost Affected Soybeans Throughout Illinois

Stephanie Porter, Illinois Soybean Association Outreach Agronomist, gives an update from two soybean fields in Illinois that were affected by frost and cold temperatures in April. She provides observations made and how planting dates and seed depth mattered in these situations.

By |May 9, 2023|
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