Soybean Cyst Nematode Testing

Free Soybean Cyst Nematode Sampling of Egg Counts is available for Illinois growers.

The Illinois Soybean Association (ISA) is urging farmers statewide to join the fight against Soybean Cyst Nematode (SCN), the leading cause of yield loss in soybeans. ISA is offering free soil sampling to help track and research this significant threat. In partnership with the University of Illinois, ISA aims to establish a baseline SCN population across Illinois soybean fields.

Even if farmers have tested for SCN in the past, populations may be increasing as SCN adapts to the genetic resistance source (PI 88788) that has been used for over 30 years. Gathering statewide data is crucial to pinpoint where SCN is attacking and to measure its impact on soybean crops. This research is expected to help develop new strategies to combat resistance in the field.

Click “View PDF” below to access the free SCN form on the U of I Plant Clinic website, or request a kit by emailing A free SCN kit, including instructions and a prepaid shipping label, will be sent to you. Please allow a few weeks for the U of I Plant Clinic to analyze your soil sample and provide a detailed report of the results.

Interested in learning more? Read this blog, Battle Against SCN.