Conservation Practices2024-08-27T18:38:44-05:00

Conservation Practices


The core components of conservation management are cover crops, crop rotation, and minimal or no tillage. While they sound simple enough, implementing them on your farm while maintaining crop productivity and profitability is complicated. Research projects in our Conservation Practices category investigate the many aspects associated with adopting these practices so you can reach the conservation goals you set for your farm.


Controlled-Release N, P & K Fertilizer Management in Strip-Till 30” Rows and No-Till 15″ Rows for High-Yield Soybeans2024-08-27T18:32:59-05:00

This project aims to better understand how strategic nutrient management can impact soybean yield across northern and central Illinois. It will evaluate different nutrient strategies under no-till, strip-till, 15” rows, 30” rows, with cover crops, and without cover crops. Data will be used to inform future year trials and ultimately provide farmers with best management practices for nutrient management in soybean crops.

Adaptive Management for Maximizing Soybean Production Following Cereal Rye Termination2024-08-27T18:56:36-05:00

Trials in this multi-year project will help researchers better understand 1) how cereal rye influences nitrogen (N) and sulfur (S) availability and soybean uptake, and 2) evaluate soybean yield response to N and S fertilization, alone and in combination, after a cereal rye cover crop.

Quantifying Conservation Benefits for Illinois Soybean Farmers: Extrapolating On-Farm Trial Measurements to Commercial Farm Fields Through Validated Algorithms and Methods2024-08-27T18:55:54-05:00

This project will evaluate current and past trial data, as well as implement additional trials across the state, to help quantify the benefits of adopting conservation management practices so that Illinois’ soybean farmers are equipped to take advantage of developing ecosystem marketplaces. Project output will include reports farmers can use to inform their management decisions and improve outcomes specific to soybean productivity, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, soil carbon sequestration and water quality.

Integrated Management Strategies for Maximizing Soybean Production in Conservation Tillage Systems2024-08-27T18:44:41-05:00

To help more farmers feel confident implementing conservation tillage systems, this project intends to gain insights into the interactions across soil types, starter fertilizer, tillage systems and row spacings and how they affect soybean growth, nutrient uptake, and seed yield and quality. The results of this multi-year project will enable more farmers to optimize soybean production under conservation tillage systems while preserving water and soil resources.

Understanding the Importance of Cover Crop Planting Date in Illinois Row Crop Production2024-08-27T18:43:54-05:00

To encourage farmers to include more cover crops within their cropping systems, this project is comparing 1) different cereal rye seeding dates and rates before soybean, and 2) different planting dates of two clover species after soybean harvest and ahead of corn. Farmers will gain better insights into cover crop planting and seeding rate recommendations and best management practices.

Benchmarking and Integrating Soil Health, Water Quality and Climate-Smart Footprints of Illinois Soybeans2024-08-27T18:42:03-05:00

This multi-year project will identify soil health, water quality and climate footprint best practices and metrics across regions and cropping systems (soy and double-cropped wheat, soy rotated with corn). Findings will inform practice-based recommendations that protect soil health and water quality, as well as provide insights farmers can use as they navigate carbon markets.

Are you a farmer or advisor?

If you’re a farmer or advisor, we invite you to take our Soybean Production Concerns Survey linked below to help guide future ISA research efforts. We also encourage you to contact us below with specific production challenge research ideas.

Are you a researcher?

If you’re a researcher interested in working with ISA on a project, we encourage you to contact us with your ideas. The RFP will open in early March. Contact us below to be added to the mailing list for more information.

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