Connor Sible2023-12-21T11:10:13-06:00


Dr. Connor Sible

Areas of Expertise:

  • Crop Physiology
  • Agronomy
  • Soybean Production
  • Corn Production
  • Residue Management
  • Biological Product Management

Postdoctoral Research Associate
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (UIUC)

Dr. Sible earned his bachelor’s, master’s and doctorate degrees from UIUC. Through an internship with an agricultural chemical company, Dr. Sible discovered how rewarding agronomic research is and decided to pursue a graduate degree. His studies focused on the categorization and implementation of biological products for soybean and corn production systems. This path led him to study with Dr. Fred Below in the UIUC Crop Physiology Laboratory where they study management practices and factors to optimize soybean and corn yields.

As a postdoctoral researcher, he helps conceptualize, implement and manage research studies for the Crop Physiology program; trains undergraduate and graduate students; and co-advises the Field and Furrow organization.

Fun Facts!
Dr. Sible enjoys walking his dogs … or having them walk him! And if you need a tuba player, give him a call – he’s a lifetime brass player. He performed through his college years with the athletic bands and Marching Illini. While tuba is his instrument of choice, he can also pick up trumpet and trombone with a little practice!

Research Projects

Evaluating Leaf Nutrient Tissue Testing and Relation to Soybean Grain Yield2024-08-27T19:00:31-05:00

Because soybeans are able to remobilize, or redistribute, nutrients from lower to newly developing nodes, more information is needed to understand which nutrients and in what quantities are made available to new nodes. This project will use tissue testing to gain these insights and help establish more accurate and timely in-season nutrient recommendations to maximize soybean yield.

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