If you are in Champaign or nearby, attend a pop-up field day on Wednesday, May 17th from 9:00am – 11:00am weather permitting, hosted by UIUC Extension and FotF Extension experts Dennis Bowman and Dr. Salah Issa. Please register here: https://forms.gle/pG7tEnpnACtZZHzK8

Researchers at the Farm of the Future compared the impact of using small, autonomous robots to seed cover crops in a field of standing corn in late summer against a conventionally planted cover crop seeded in a harvested cornfield in late fall. Explore the benefits of earlier planting dates possible with the robots. See the side-by-side comparison during a pop-up field day from 9 to 11 a.m. Wednesday, May 17, weather permitting, before the field is tilled for the coming crop.

The farm is located one-quarter mile west of the Curtis Road and Race Street intersection. (40.069089, -88.214050) In case soft ground prevents parking at the site, parking is available at the Agricultural and Biological Engineering Research Farm at 3603 S Race St, Urbana.

Questions about the event can be directed to Dennis Bowman, ndbowman@illinois.edu or cell (217) 840-0867

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About the Author: Kelsey Litchfield

Kelsey Litchfield is the Agronomic Outreach Specialist for the Illinois Soybean Association. In her role, she manages Field Advisor's media platforms and assists the agronomy team with events and field days. A native of Rio, IL, Kelsey earned her bachelor’s degree from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign in 2017 where she double majored in Agricultural Communications and Broadcast Journalism.

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