Crop Report
The Crop Report provides timely and relevant crop and field information from experts across the state.
The Illinois Soybean Association Agronomy Team, Soy Envoys, University of Illinois Extension, and other industry experts are bringing you information needed to manage your soybean, corn and wheat crops. From field conditions to crop progress, disease alerts, and pest sightings, the Crop Report has relevant information from the field.
To view the latest reports, click your region on the map or scroll down. Thank you to the experts who volunteer to provide this information.
Harvest is not far off for some of the early-planted fields in Douglas County, but with the extended planting season, there are still plenty of green fields as well in the county. All corn fields surveyed were at least at R5 (dent) with 50% milk line, and several were just reaching R6 (black layer) or within a few days of it. Soybean fields generally ranged from late R6 (full seed) through R7 (beginning maturity), and I spotted a couple fields within a couple more warm days of R8 (full maturity).