Crop Report
The Crop Report provides timely and relevant crop and field information from experts across the state.
The Illinois Soybean Association Agronomy Team, Soy Envoys, University of Illinois Extension, and other industry experts are bringing you information needed to manage your soybean, corn and wheat crops. From field conditions to crop progress, disease alerts, and pest sightings, the Crop Report has relevant information from the field.
To view the latest reports, click your region on the map or scroll down. Thank you to the experts who volunteer to provide this information.
We received 3 to 3.5 inches total over the previous weekend. The hail events took place on Sunday, May 7th. Stand counts of soybeans were on the lower end before the hail. You are able to see regrowth already on soybeans thanks to warm days. We will need to reevaluate the stand at the end of the week if it does not rain again. The West side of the field is the worst. No hail injury across the county line into Montgomery County.
75F, Sunny
3 to 3.5 inches over the previous weekend