Region Updates
Hot and dry! Soybean quickly approaching R2 with some very, healthy, waterhemp that survived the last herbicide application. No disease, deer feeding in patches, and slight insect pressure.
Last weekend conditions started drying up enough to allow field activity to kick off throughout southern Illinois. Since last report, early beans have been emerging and reaching ~V1-V2.
Also wheat has begun senescing throughout the region, about 1-2 weeks ahead of the usual pace. This could translate to an early harvest and double crop but weather over the next 3-4 weeks will have the final say.
Harvest continues to roll along. Some are done and others are about half done. Wheat planting is in full force. Some issues getting N containing P fertilizers like DAP since the river is so low has cause concern. Lots of lime and fall fertilizer going down but little fall tillage yet.
Yield reports are still variable across the region. That being said we are seeing what a timely rain does to yields in some areas. Even thought the amounts of rain were not “high”, a timely rain of a few tenths seems to be making quite a bit of difference in yields. 100-150 bu yield swings where those few tenths fell on corn and 20 bu on beans is not uncommon to hear.
To paint with a broad brush, most yield reports are in the 160-180 range on corn and the 45-60 range on beans. Most everyone reports a fields or fields higher and lower than these numbers.
However, I have got numerous reports of corn in the 60-80 bu range and beans in the 25-40 bu range as well.