Region Updates
I took a loop around northern Champaign County this week. With the exception of seed corn fields, all corn I saw was at least V7 or larger, with most in the V10-V12 range. Many fields are showing tassels, and I found one field at full R1 with silks emerged and pollen shedding. Soybeans were anywhere from recently emerged, generally in an apparent replant situation, to R2. Despite the wet conditions that caused these delayed plantings, conditions are now a bit on the dry side in that part of the county. Although not visible in every field, a good portion of the corn fields were showing some rolled leaves in the mid-afternoon heat. The issue was not widespread quite yet, and soil moisture could be found only a few inches deep in most fields I visited. But that said, I think most would welcome a nice 0.5-1 inch rain shower in the coming days.