Region Updates
The last two weeks have been hot and basically dry. A rain shower 2 weeks ago has kept us going but we have been included in the drought monitor areas again. Crops are continuing to hold their own and look decent for what they have been through. With dry weather, roots are going downward, but with high temperatures this corn crop is growing upward in a hurry. A field I scouted the other day is 7 leave away from tassel. I saw another field with tassels just spiking out. Soybeans continue to be in their ugly slow growing stages. Hopefully some rain will come, and they can keep on growing.
Hot and dry. .9 on Friday June 14, is carrying us through.
We received another .1 on June 24. Humidity has been fairly low.
Cracks are starting to open up with as dry as it has been.
V2-V7. Lots of various stages. Flowers are showing up. I know a field of soybeans that was planted around May 30., basically last field planted in the area. They were planted into a stale seed bed and blew out of the ground and have caught up to other soybeans planted before them.
V2-V9. All over the board!
Japanese beetles and starting to see a few rootworm beetles.
Same old story here! Waterhemp will be an issue all year long and some fields are going to be terribly ugly by fall. Please scout your fields after post applications of herbicides in corn and soybeans!
I scouted for tar spot the other day and did not find any in a corn-on-corn field, that was also corn in 2021 during heavy Tar spot pressure. Keeping our fingers crossed!