Region Updates
The recent hot weather and relative lack of rain is starting to show in the corn and soybean fields in Douglas County. Estimates from the Midwestern Regional Climate Center show the county has received approximately 1 – 1.5 inches of rain since the first of the month, which is 1.5 – 2 inches below the 30-year average (1991 – 2020). Most corn fields I saw during my drive around the county in the early afternoon were showing some degree of drought stress with rolled leaves. More mature plants at V10+ were generally only showing rolled leaves near the top of the plant, while leaves on corn still in the V3-V6 were fully rolled up. I saw an even greater range in soybean growth stage across the county, with some fields recently emerged and still at VC while others were well into flowering with most plants at R2. Weed control was also variable. Although most fields looked relatively clean, I found a couple corn fields with heavy waterhemp pressure and even more soybean fields with well-established waterhemp, marestail, volunteer corn, and some morningglories starting to take off.