Region Updates
Field conditions around Douglas County during my transect on Tuesday (5/21) were quite variable. I saw several fields with pockets of standing water, some in emerged crop that will likely require replant. But then, a couple miles down the road, there were planters running and dust flying in the high winds that were experienced by much of the state that day. I would estimate that 60-70% of fields I observed were planted, with 30-40% emerged. Most emerged corn and soybeans were still at early stages, but I did come across a few V4/5 corn fields that were planted prior to our recent wet spell. The majority of unplanted fields, tilled and no-till (so far), with and without grass cover crops (primarily cereal rye), had a burndown application or a first spring tillage pass, but there were a few exceptions in some wetter areas. Post-emergence weed control will be needed soon in several fields.