Region Updates
We are slowly starting to dry out. Areas are starting to miss the higher rain totals and there are a few more areas finding the opportunity to get into the field.
The pattern has shifted a little and is giving us the opportunity to start to dry out. It has been nice and warm and little to no wind! which is always a blessing.
In the last week, we have received .85-.9 of rain in Flatville, IL. Some areas caught more and other less. With just a .1 of rain falling West of Thomasboro, IL. That area and to the north has been able to make a very sold run.
We will continue to take the sunshine and little to no wind.
The soil surfaces have dried but got a decent heavy .1 on them yesterday and last night. But underneath the surface is taking time to dry out. Be observant of the soil conditions to avoid compaction issues. Even though we are in the Month of May, you still have one chance to get your planting right!
Some of the corn that is V1 looks pretty good so far!
Waterhemp is popping up in bean stubble fields like crazy after all of the rain and warmer weather! Be sure to get good control either from tillage or chemical!