Region Updates

Unfortunately, very little to report this week, but I believe most of the surrounding areas of Champaign County are in the same situation. The good news is, we have warmer temperatures, so even as it rains, it will dry the top soil out quicker than when it was cooler. Stay patient with the soil. If you can, allow it to dry to ideal conditions for planting to avoid sidewall compaction when you plant or overall compaction.
We have received significant rainfall, but we are at least in the upper 70s to 80 degree temperatures now.
The Month of April brought 6.8″ of rain to Flatville, IL. With 3.5″ falling in the last week.
We missed the rains, Thursday night and Friday morning. Maybe this is a change in the weather pattern.
Soggy and wet.
Some planted fields are emerging.
Some planted fields are emerging. Later update on stands, as a lot of this corn has been in the ground for 3 weeks.
Black cutworm moths are definitely something to monitor and be on the lookout for when you are scouting your fields. Watch for cuttings around May 20-25 in most areas. I am hoping, by the time we plant, the corn can be planted and up in 3 or 4 days, so hopefully we can avoid a major cutting situation.
I saw my first bean leaf beetle on 5/2. It landed in my pickup.
Stay diligent on what weeds are present in your field and use label recommended rates to good control.