Region Updates
3 to 8 tenths of precipitation in June so far. From 3 different rain events. Most crops are showing some stress in the afternoons Irrigations are putting on 1 to 1.5 inches per week. Dry land sand is about done in. Wheat harvest is a week away.
Dry week.
Baling hay. Some post soybeans being sprayed.
R1 for anything planted in April.
V7 to V9 VT close in earliest planted.
Dough about a week from harvest.
Minimal been scouting for spider mites. Haven’t found any yet. Seen a couple of field edges that looked suspect to spider mites on my travels around the state last 2 days.
Some waterhemp escaped and didn’t kill from first pass in corn and beans.
None present.
Some corn showing nitrogen deficiency in lighter spots.
All terminated.