Region Updates

As July ends warmer temperatures and humidity returned to NE Illinois. While some appreciate seeing a sunrise mist with morning coffee, I think of extended leaf wetness on crops and that it often favors fungal leaf diseases. Despite these occurrences, I continue to see very limited leaf disease symptoms in corn or soy. From a maturity standpoint in fields visited, corn is transitioning from R3 (milk) to R4 (dough) stage. The starch within the kernel is converting from a liquid to a pasty consistency. R4 is often the shortest reproductive stage dependent on environmental conditions. Soy has reached R4 or the full pod stage. At this stage a ¾ inch (2 cm) pod can be found on one of the 4 uppermost nodes on the main stem. R4 through R6 (full seed) is a critical time for the soybean plants exposed to environmental stresses. Issues at this time can cause more significant yield decreases than other growth stages.
Recently Dr. Doris Lagos (USDA-ARS) at the University of Illinois reported finding corn aphids in the suction trap network and in fields. Several have corroborated finding corn aphids and suggested treating specifically for the pest. In my scouting visits I am finding corn aphid populations where I often find them, on plants at or near field edges, and at very low densities (random mostly singular plants).