Region Updates

An active week on the weather front in Northeast Illinois. Several storms packing high winds roared through the area. Despite this, to date, I have heard few reports of down corn. Regional corn fields are at varied maturities because of planting dates. The earliest planted has reached R2 (Blister), the developing kernels appear as clear fluid containing whitish blisters on the cob, silks are brown and drying rapidly. Most soy is also at R2 (full bloom) and closing canopies in 30″ rows. Fungicide applications are underway by plane, helicopter and drone (and likely ground rigs when field conditions permit). I noted isolated incidence of Gray Leaf Spot and Tar Spot this week, I plan on revisiting those corn fields within the week to reassess. On some corn plants lower leaves exhibit the inverted V symptoms of nitrogen deficiency. Leaf senescence occurs naturally and is identified by corn leaves losing greenness due to a reduction in chlorophyll. Not all nutrients are lost, some assimilates are “remobilized” and transferred to the ear and kernels so that grain fill can be sustained and completed. While a natural process, lower leaf senescence and its counterpart, top dieback, can also be initiated by crop stresses and bears watching in future field visits.